ATEVAL is a private industrial association founded in 1977. Nowadays it has more than 470 associated textile companies, and represents almost 13.000 persons employed. ATEVAL has several departments: Management and Administration, Industry and Environment, Labour, Training and External Promotion. It is also the Association that coordinated the actions of the “Consejo Intertextil Español” (CIE) under the name of “Home Textiles from Spain”. ATEVAL is permanently in contact with several institutions and bodies of national and autonomic scope, for example MINER, ICEX, IVEX, Valencian Chambers of Commerce, CIE, CEOE, CEV, COEPA, AVE, FMIV, AITEX, CEII, CITYC, Ferial Contests, etc. One of their services is training, where they perform the management of training projects, prospection of the area training needs, management of the training aspect of the learning contracts, programming, management and tracking of the Continuous Training courses (FORCEM) and Occupational Training, agreements for the promotion and tracking of textile specialties in professional and occupational training. ATEVAL has an Industry and Environment department with expertise in developing projects for environmental adaptation, planning regarding minimization of wastes and special agreements on environmental improvements with the Administration. It also gives advice on environmental issues. This department develops activities such as: Information about national and regional legislation related to Interior Commerce, Industry, Transports, etc. Assistance about funding lines for companies, Support to funding applications management, Environmental Adaptations Projects, Minimisation of wastes Plans, Special agreements with Public Administration for environmental improvements, Agreements for improvement and monitoring of occupational hazard.
- Web www.atevalinforma.com