In the framework of the Inter-tex project of the Interreg Sudoe program, Ateval has organized a trade show to promote products from South-West Europe in Tokyo. The fair in which a collective stand has been organized is Interiorlifestyle. The fair will be held from May 30 to June 1, 2018 in Tokyo.

The aim of the Inter-tex project is to promote the internationalization of SMEs in the textile-clothing sector in south-western Europe through public and private cooperation and the development of joint transnational strategies.

To achieve this goal, in this project, Ateval is the entity responsible for carrying out the organization and coordination of the commercial action Interiorlifestyle in Tokyo

The activities organized around this fair have been the following:

  • Insert a promotional banner on the fair’s website.
  •  Prepare a promotional brochure to distribute at the fair with participating entities and companies.. LEAFLET 
  •  Make a digital mailing to potential Japanese buyers announcing the participation of companies, sending them an e-invitation to visit the fair for free. ATEVAL INVITATION

The participating companies are located in the Sudoe, Catalonia, Valencian Community and France space.







COMPANY MISSION to Miami, United States

 From the 4th till the 7th of June of 2018

The textile sector of the United States has a huge number of importations regard the number of exportations, and is expected that this trend will increase, with an annual import growth of 2,5% until 2020, due that the local industry is disappearing. The potential market of the sector is 90 million of habitants, so the opportunities for the Catalan companies are very important.

In the framework of the European project INTERTEX for the impulse of the internationalization of the SME of the textile sector in the SUDOE space, and in collaboration with MODACC (fashion Catalan cluster), has been organicing  the B2B mission to Miami from the 4th till the 7th of June.

This mission will provide participants with a global vision of the performance of the textile sector in the United States, as well as an accurate knowledge of the ecosystem of the State of Florida, entry forms, local partners… We will organize a B2B event specially designed to attract the attention of sales representatives and potentials buyers. The mission is addressed to the textile fashion companies with their own brand. Specialized in summer fashion, resort, swimming suits, travel retail and athleisure.  SEE THE LEAFLET



Consortium next meeting in France 15-16 January 2018

The INTER-TEX consortium will meet on 15-16 January in Aussillon-France.

In this meeting, all the partners will analyze the actions carried out within the project and the Plan and Conceptrualization of future activities.

Topics will be discussed among others:

– Implementation of Internationalization Tools

– Organization of the 3 virtual fairs

– Commercial platform

– Project communication activities

UIT SUD organiced a Local workshop with SMEs

The 21th of November 2017  UIT SUD   organized  A WORKSHOP  to present:

  • Internationalisation of Textile – Clothing VSEs / SMEs : Accompanying guide by European programs 2016-2020
  • Internationalisation of Textile – Clothing VSEs / SMEs : Accompanying guide by regional and national programs
  • Joint Internationalization Groups (JIG) concept

To this workshop attended 7 companies.

ATEVAL presented “Guide of accompaniment for the European programs”

On  1st December  ATEVAL presented “Guide of accompaniment for European programs” develops within the project INTERTEX-SUDOE “Joint strategies to promote the Internationalization of SMEs”.

This guide, developed within the framework of the Interreg Sudoe V Program, axis “Competitiveness of SMEs” project INTER-TEX, has been conceived as a practical tool for all European stakeholders of the textile and clothing sector, interested in projects of internationalization that can benefit from financial assistance and / or European support in internationalization.

It aims to facilitate the identification and characteristics of the main funding and support programs of the EU.

The assistants belong to the textile sector and they were informed about the activities of the project and they were given a copy of the guide.



E. 1.6.1_Deliverable_Accompanying_Guide_by_European_Programs_2016-2020_ES (1)



WORKSHOP at The MOMAD fair (1-3 August 2017)

WORKSHOP at The MOMAD fair (1-3 August 2017)

Taking advantage of the MOMAD Madrid Fair, the project partners will organize a WORKSHOP at the fair, in which the project will be made known to visitors and exhibiting companies.

There will be different activities: meetings with companies, surveys, presentations, distribution of brochures, …

The agenda will be:

10:00h arrival and meeting in MOMAD.

10:30h – 14:00h visit companies to explain INTERTEX

14:00h – 15:00h lunch and wrap-up

15:00h – 17:00h visit companies to explain INTERTEX

17:00h – 18:00h wrap-up and farewell.

If you are an exhibitor or visitor and are interested you can contact us through this website.


The 2nd transnational meeting of the INTER-TEX project took place in Valencia in March

The 2nd transnational meeting of the INTER-TEX project took place in Valencia in March

The consortium participated in the second transnational meeting of the INTER-TEX project held in Valencia on 8 and 9 March where the various tools and initiatives to be developed in the next six months have been defined, In favor of the internationalization of SMEs in the textile sector and the creation of the SUDOE space.

The Interreg project, approved by the Interreg SUDOE program, aims to promote the internationalization of SMEs in the textile and clothing sector of south-west Europe through public-private cooperation and the development of joint transnational strategies.

The project will cover the five areas in which the textile industry is concentrated in the SUDOE area: Galicia, Catalonia, Valencia, Northern Portugal and southern France (Mid-perineum).

For more information on the project: